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God Dreams

Writer's picture: Stephanie CarterStephanie Carter

Before joining the staff at my church (Friday was my 2 year anniversary - wow) – I founded and led a moms group for over three years called Mommy Mondays. That group and those moms changed my life forever!

After starting my job at Brookstone Church, I knew I could not take on a new job and lead Mommy Mondays. I thought I would take a short break, get settled in my new position, and then bring back Mommy Mondays, because what mom doesn’t need other moms?!

It seemed that no matter where I would go, I would run into a mom from that group. A mom who would tell me how they missed our group, the connections, the friendship, the laughter, and support.

I began asking God if He was trying to tell me something. I was busier than ever, but no matter what I would do – I would think about life as a mom - mom struggles, mom guilt! Although I’m an empty nester, I realized that I needed other moms more than ever!

It had always been my heart and passion to encourage and connect moms, so I began praying. I signed up for a conference called She Speaks Studio. I had no idea what to expect other than knowing God was calling me to do something. But what? My plate was already full, especially with this new blog adventure.

At this conference, God reminded me of my journey as a young mom who experienced an unplanned pregnancy. I was up to my neck in fear, disappointment, heartache and thankfully, God’s GRACE! God reminded of my story and that He has a beautiful story for each and every one of us. He reminded me how much we really do need community with other moms.

After leaving the conference, I knew that God wanted me to do something for moms. I wanted to create a place where moms could be recharged and refueled and really laugh. Where moms - all moms, all ages, all stages - could make lifetime friends. Most importantly, a place where moms could experience God’s GRACE!

….and that is how The Mom to Mom Conference came to life! It came from another GOD dream - a dream of where I, once again, found myself not having a clue about what to do and had to totally rely on God! But of course, I wanted to know the when, where and what this conference was supposed to look like. Even though it is the hardest thing for me to do, I had to wait for answers and have complete faith. Watching God answer all the answers to your questions and provide what you need is absolutely incredible.

So here I sit today, two months away from the Mom to Mom Conference writing a blog post that I should have written weeks ago. Oops (and most definitely should’ve proofed before posting -please forgive me)! After months of prayers, tears, sleepless nights, hours upon hours of emails, conversations, meetings, phone calls – the Mom to Mom Conference website is live!

In two short months, I believe that 1,000 moms will come together and be changed forever – including myself! I believe that moms will be inspired and encouraged, They will spend a day knowing that no one has it all figured out or has the insta-perfect life. We’ll learn to celebrate each other when we do get that perfect, insta-worthy minute (or second). Moms will know they are not alone in this journey. Chains will be broken, hope will be restored and dreams will be revisited. If for only a day, we will get to rest.

Pray with me. Pray for the moms. Pray for the volunteers. Pray for the speakers. & pray for Andy (we don’t want another toast moment).

We’re all in this together.



Mar 21, 2019

I can’t wait! I’m praying for Every Mom that comes!


Bruce Robinson
Mar 20, 2019

Wow Stephanie, I really admire and appreciate your faith, and I pray that I can exercise my faith and “step out into the unknown” whenever the Lord puts something on my heart to do, knowing fully well that He will make a way for the impossible to become a reality!! By the way, this Sunday will be my 1 year anniversary coming to Brookstone, and June will be my first year anniversary as a greeter, and I’ve just gotta tell you that you have been such a blessing and inspiration to me, as well as an awesome team leader of the greeter team!! Praying for you and all of the moms that will be attending the upcoming Mom to M…


Rachel Booker
Rachel Booker
Mar 19, 2019

Love your heart!! Love what you're doing!


The Mom to Mom conference sounds amazing! Lifting up prayers for you and all involved.


Staci Smith
Mar 19, 2019

This is will be an incredible day!! Can't wait to see how the Lord will work!!


© 2019 by Stephanie Carter.

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